JJM2973 – Building and Storage Depot Stabilisation
JJM2973 – Building and Storage Depot Stabilisation
Prospero – Ansty Park Development
Key works delivered
Bulk Fill Modification, Capping and Subbase Replacement stabilisation
Project Duration
March 23 – Sept 23
Stabilised Area
110,000m3 modified and 240,000m2 stabilised
By Heywood HCD
Demolition and Re-development of the former Air Field
The site required approx 110,000m3 of earthworks with Modification to the bulk fill.
In-situ treatment of the modified material in 300mm deep layer with 4.0% Cement Addition to Footprint of the Buildings
In-situ treatment of the material in 300mm deep layers with 3.0% Cement Addition to the External Areas.
Client requirements 95% Compaction and 30% CBR Non-Frost Susceptibility
Building Floor 450mm make up laid directly onto the Stabilised Layers
Independent Design and testing carried out by i2 Laboratories
The project programme was challenging and with the weather we encountered in march and April being so wet it was difficult to travel on the site. The hot weather in June was a challenge also as we were on the building layers and water had to be imported and spread to achieve the MCVs
Binder spreading, water delivery and mixing had to be very precise to ensure the design CBR would be achieved.
The project has a very stringent test and compliance schedule. All target MCV and CBR test were taken daily
Proximity to other works on site meant very well managed works and deliveries were always required.
Our team worked with the client and advised on the findings of the site won material testing and classification.
Once the site was Remediated and levelled, the challenge was to spread and stabilise the host material by mixing with Cement and complying with the stringent testing schedule for the stabilised material.
Our site team set to work with the MC team to develop a system to allow both earthworks and stabilisation to progress efficiently.
JJMac operate a fleet of very agile equipment.
Tractor mounted Wirtgen 250WS Mixers were selected for this project due to the challenging site conditions earlier on in the project.
Our Dustless Stehr was also utilised for all works near the existing offices during any windy conditions which enabled us to progress works in all conditions.
Bulk Fill Modification was undertaken using 1% Lime to condition the material for optimum compaction to achieve >5% CBR
RDC Rolling Dynamic Compaction to Bulk Fill Material
We also utilised RDC Rolling Dynamic Compaction on the bulk fill which also achieved >5% on some of the soils that had a natural moisture content close to the range for optimum compaction.
Stabilisation works to Building footprint
Stabilisation was undertaken for the Building Footprint using 1% Lime and 3% Cement to achieve >30% CBR
Water addition as necessary to ensure the Moisture Content Value MCV was within range at all times
All works were tested during the construction process for MCV and CBR
Completed Works
Stabilised areas under building footprints had min 100mm 6f material placed to protect the stabilised material
Foundations were dug and poured directly into the excavations without the need for any formwork. The stabilised material was solid all the way through the Bulk Fill.
30% CBR stabilised ground below the buildings
The works had numerous advantages to this site.
Bulk Excavations for Cut and Fill treated and compacted ready for subsequent layers without any time lost during all weather conditions
Site won material used to make up levels and reducing the need for any off site disposal
Capping layers and subbase replacement offers huge Reduction of Primary Aggregates